Thursday, November 7, 2019

Unit Four: Introduction Terms

Thursday, November 7th

Introduction Review
Short Schedule

Shortened Schedule- See below

1. INTRODUCTION SENSATION AND PERCEPTION WORKSHEET: In class you will be working on reviewing your introduction terms. The green worksheet will have five sections. Each section should take you no more than seven minutes, if you did your notes. This means that it should take you about 35 minutes.  The green worksheet will be due at the end of class. You will need to use the following links.
Part One: The Forest has Eyes and Looking at the Faces
Part Two: Radio Example
Part Four: Subliminal Messages

2. SCHOOLOGY: Schoology #1 
When you are done you can begin working on Schoology #1

3. NOTE CARDS: When you are done, begin working on your note cards/term sheets. These are due tomorrow. Part One. Link 

1. Schoology #1

2. Note Cards due Friday  Link  #1-18

Shortened Schedule
East 3A/3B
Period Time
1 7:35 8:15 40min
2 8:20 9:00 40min
3a 9:05 9:45 40min
3b 9:50 10:30 40min
4 10:35 11:00 25min
5 11:05 11:30 25min
6 11:35 12:00 25min
7 12:05 12:30 25min
8 12:35 1:00 25min
9 1:05 1:45 40min
10 1:50 2:30 40min

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