Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Unit 4: Perception

November 19th 
Perception Wrap Up 

1. Tactile/Touch- 7B
      A.Question Check 1/2
      B. Understanding Touch and Biopsychsocial of Pain
      C.  Phantom Limb
             Overview of Phantom Limb   and Veterans and Phantom Limbs
            10:20- 18:00 minutes - Phantom Limb 

2. Vestibular and Kinethesis
A. Vestibular Sense- Spin Demo
B. Kinesthesis Sense- Sticky Note Demo

3. Perception Review :
Retinal Disparity

1. note cards- Part Two and Three Due Tomorrow
2. Schoology #7 Movement
3. Review Guide (Due Wednesday) - Only pages 1 (front and back), page 2 (front and back) and page 3 (front)

Make sure you have all work completed. Schoology #1-7; Note Cards; Notes: Review Guide ( page 1 and 2, front and back)

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