Monday, November 11, 2019

Unit 4_Sensation_Visual Processing_Structure of the Eye

Monday, November 12th
Understanding the Anatomical Structure of the Eye and the Pathway to the Brain

Image result for structure of the eye ap psych

Objective:   Vision: For vision include the specific relevant anatomical structures and specialized pathways in the brain. 
1. Class Poll: Which sense is the most important and why?

2. Word sort: Pathways to the Brain
        A.With your table partner, take a minute to locate the pathway of light entering the eye and 
             the pathway it travels on to brain. 
        B. Place the cards in order in envelope A. 

3. Guess the Structure: Understanding the function of the Anatomical Structures of Vision
        A. You will have 3 minutes to investigate each item. Use your investigation skills and try and 
             connect which term matches with each structure best. Use the function of the structure to 
             help with identification. 
         B.Then use evidence and justification as to why this item/activity is best for this structure. 
              Write in two complete sentences. 
         C. A timer will be set for three minutes. When three minutes is up, take your best educated 
          D. TIMER 

4. Hold-Your-Thinking: Exit Sheet 
    Anatomical Structure

Homework Due Tuesday
A. Video Four or reading 128-133

B. Schoology #2: Pathway to the Brain and Structures of the Eye

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