Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Unit 4_Sensation_Understanding Vision and Theories to Vision

November 12th

Visual Processing and Visual Theories 

Image result for structure of the eye ap psych

1. Introduction Terms Wrap Up- Monitoring Terms
     A. Change Blindness

2.Understanding the Vision- 

    A. Mnemonic Device for vision (sort)
    B.  Blind Spot Activity
    C. Light Spectrum
         Ted Talk (Excellent Current event did not show)
     D.Feature Detection and Parallel Processing
     E. Review: Theories of Vision
            Tri Chromatic Theory
            Opponent Process Theory

A. Notes for Video 1-4 will be checked in Wednesday and Notecards Part One

B. Schoology Quiz #1,  2 and 3
         - Introduction Terms- Schoology #1
         -Parts of the Eye Practice Schoology #2
        -Lightwaves and Visual Theory Practice Schoology #3

C.Video Five/133-135-Parts of the Ear and Auditory Processing- Thursday
    Video Six/135-140 Sound Theories - Due Thursday 
***Webquest Canceled****

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