Friday, November 15, 2019

Unit 4_Sensation_Taste_Smell_Touch

Friday, November 15th
Tactile, Olfaction and Gustation 

Image result for taste and smell activities

1. Review Guide
     D- Theories for Hearing (Reading page 4) and Auditory Impairments    Example  and Story 

4. Gustation and Olfaction 
 -Video on  Smell and Taste
- Sensory Interaction Demo
 - CBS News on Taste - Article
               * Describe the historical belief on the various placement of the various tastes on the tongue.
               *Describe current research the debunks original theories. What is the understanding today                     on where we process taste?

1. Video Eight- 151-155 Gestalt Principles
     Video Nine- 155-165 Depth Cue / Organization 

2. Schoology Quiz:  #5 Taste, Smell and Touch

3. Part 2 Notecards: Due Monday- Link 

4. Monday you will have video five- video nine checked in with your note cards. You also will have a quiz over hearing (video 5 and 6), olfaction and gustation (video 7A)  and tactile (video 7B).

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