Thursday, January 24, 2019

Unit 7_Schedules of Reinforcement

Friday, January 25th
Review Schedules of Reinforcement

Image result for schedule of reinforcement which is better

1. During class you will independently complete the reading on the Schedules of Reinforcement. You need to answer the questions that connect to the reading. You can also reference the following video for additional help.  Khan Academy Video

2. Complete Quiz 4_Unit 7_Operant Conditioning_ Schedule of Reinforcement. Also make sure you completed Quiz 3 (from homework last night). They will be graded on Monday.

3. Review for QUIZ MONDAY
         Multiple Choice
         FRQ Terms (Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment and
                 Negative Punishment, Extinction, Generalization and Discrimination)
1. Review Guide- Complete questions 4 and 5 (page 4) and complete 20-2 (page 5) and complete 20-3 (page 6)

2. Video One_Observational Learning

3. Study for Quiz Monday

4. Notecards- Due Thursday

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