Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Unit 7_Operant Conditioning and Schedules_Tuesday January 29th

Social Learning Theory
Tuesday, January 29th

Image result for observational learning

1. Pyramid Review for Quiz

2. Review Punishments and Reinforcements- Page 26 in Packet
      Class Activity Negative Reinforcement Example

3. Review Schedule of Reinforcement- Page 26 in Packet

4. FRQ Writing

.Homework for Tuesday- 
1. Video 7_Latent Learning 

2. Notecards and Review Guide
3. Review for Operant Conditioning Quiz

Update for the week-
Wednesday - Operant Conditioning Quiz Online (Timed One Chance Quiz)

Thursday- Review for Unit 7 Test- If we don't have school I will send you a review practice assignment. Be prepared for your test Friday- EITHER WAY.

Friday- UNIT 7 Test.

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