Tuesday, January 29, 2019

ELearning Day_Wednesday_January 30th

Wednesday, January 30th
Quiz: Operant Conditioning

Image result for e-learning day

1. Period 2 take attendance. 
This is attendance for Wednesday! Make sure to check back Thursday to take attendance AGAIN.

2. Complete a Schoology Quiz covering:
-This will be a timed schoology quiz for 30 minutes.
-You also are only able to take it once.
-28 Questions
-Due Thursday, 9am.

***Please let me know if you have any issues. Once you are finished you can log out and it will give you your grade.

3. Finish  Video 7_Latent Learning 

4. Notecards and Review Guide

BE PREPARED FOR THE TEST ON FRIDAY! Check back at the end of the day for Thursdays assignments! 

Unit 7_Operant Conditioning and Schedules_Tuesday January 29th

Social Learning Theory
Tuesday, January 29th

Image result for observational learning

1. Pyramid Review for Quiz

2. Review Punishments and Reinforcements- Page 26 in Packet
      Class Activity Negative Reinforcement Example

3. Review Schedule of Reinforcement- Page 26 in Packet

4. FRQ Writing

.Homework for Tuesday- 
1. Video 7_Latent Learning 

2. Notecards and Review Guide
3. Review for Operant Conditioning Quiz

Update for the week-
Wednesday - Operant Conditioning Quiz Online (Timed One Chance Quiz)

Thursday- Review for Unit 7 Test- If we don't have school I will send you a review practice assignment. Be prepared for your test Friday- EITHER WAY.

Friday- UNIT 7 Test.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Unit 7_Schedules of Reinforcement

Friday, January 25th
Review Schedules of Reinforcement

Image result for schedule of reinforcement which is better

1. During class you will independently complete the reading on the Schedules of Reinforcement. You need to answer the questions that connect to the reading. You can also reference the following video for additional help.  Khan Academy Video

2. Complete Quiz 4_Unit 7_Operant Conditioning_ Schedule of Reinforcement. Also make sure you completed Quiz 3 (from homework last night). They will be graded on Monday.

3. Review for QUIZ MONDAY
         Multiple Choice
         FRQ Terms (Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment and
                 Negative Punishment, Extinction, Generalization and Discrimination)
1. Review Guide- Complete questions 4 and 5 (page 4) and complete 20-2 (page 5) and complete 20-3 (page 6)

2. Video One_Observational Learning

3. Study for Quiz Monday

4. Notecards- Due Thursday

Unit 7_Operant Conditioning Review

Thursday, January 24th
Operant Conditioning 

Image result for operant conditioning

1. Review: Classical Conditioning Quiz (last Friday)
       Multiple Choice 

2. Stations
    -Vocabulary Station (Acquisition, Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, Generalization,                   

    -Review Examples of Punishment/Reinforcement

3. Schoology Quiz 3

Homework for Friday:
1. Quiz 3 Schoology - This is a new quiz DUE FRIDAY!
2. Review Guide 
3. Quiz on Monday
4. Notecards 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Unit 7_Operant Conditioning_Day Two_

Wednesday, January 23rd 
Operant Conditioning

1. Video: Operant Conditioning

2. Review Chart on Operant Conditioning Page 29

Application: Examples (10 minutes)Page 30,


1 Schoology Quiz # 2 Operant Conditioning Due Tomorrow

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Unit 7_ Operant Conditioning_Day One

Operant Conditioning
Tuesday 22nd
Image result for operant conditioning

1. Class Questionnaire
     Operant Conditioning Opener

2.Notes Video 5- Operant Conditioning:
    Where did the principles of Operant Conditioning Begin?
    Edward Thorndike

3. Operant Conditioning
       B.F. Skinner
      Chart for Conditioning- Page 29

4. Class Demo:
     Operant Conditioning Principle
     Shaping and Reinforcement

5. Notes on Video Five-SHAPING 
–What is shaping?
–How does shaping work?
           Shaping Behavior Video

Homework for Wednesday: 
Unit 7_Video 6- Operant Conditioning Part Two- Schedules of Reinforcement

Friday, January 18, 2019

Unit 7_Classical Conditioning Quiz

Friday, January 19

Quiz on Classical Conditioning

Image result for quiz in psychology

1.  Andrew Elliot and Daniela Niesta
                             Romantic Red

2. Review Classical Conditioning
  Page 19A and 19B

3. Quiz on Video 2, 3 and 4.
    *If you are absent you have until Wednesday morning to make it up. It is located in the study hall.        Please meet me before school to check in your notes.

1. Video Five: Operant Conditioning_Part One
Or reading  227-232

2. Work on review guide -Test January 31st

Additional Article:Article on Red 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Unit 7_Classical Conditioning Learned Helplessness, Food Aversion and Romantic Red

Classical Conditioning
January 17th

Image result for classical conditioning examples

1. Review Vocabulary:
 Describe the difference between the following terms: Note Cards
        Spontaneous Recovery
        Higher Order Conditioning/ First order and Second Order

2. Who is Who in Classical Conditioning?- Page 13
           Ivan Pavlov
           John Watson
           John Garcia Taste Aversion Video 
           Martin Seligman   
                            Learned Helplessness
                            Additional Video on Learned Helplessness 

Review Guide
Schoology Practice Quiz - Quiz One- Classical Conditioning

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Unit 7_ Who is Who in Classical Conditioning?

January 16th
Classical Conditioning_
Image result for learned helplessness

1. Review Little Albert
 Review Little Albert Activity -(3 minutes)

2. Where is Little Albert Today?
    Page 20 reading

1. Page 19 A and 19 B
2. Schoology Classical Conditioning Due Friday
3. Note Cards are due on January 31st.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Unit 7_Classical Conditioning_Review Classical Conditioning

January 15th
Image result for little albert
Classical Conditioning Review

1. Review Classical Conditioning
     Page 16 in Packet
     Scenario Page 15 in Packet
     Attack of the Quack
     Brothers Example 
  Classical Conditioning Song- 4 minutes

2. Who is John Watson?
   Pair reading and Guide (Page 17 and 18)

Video 4_Part Three_Classical Conditioning

*Quiz is Friday on Classical Conditioning.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Unit 7_Classical Conditioning_Introduction_January 12th

January 14th
Classical Conditioning Review

Image result for classical conditioning
1. Review Calendar

2. Review Classical Conditioning Scenario

3. Lecture and Review Vocabulary of Classical Conditioning
       Video from Psychology Today- 4 minutes
4. Examples Page 14 and 15

5.  Classical Conditioning Song- 4 minutes

Video Three-Classical Conditioning Part Two
Page 15 in your packet
Functional Fixedness Assignment Due Wednesday.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Unit 6_Cognition and Language

Thursday, January 10th

1.Review Terms for exercise on Wednesday (Around the Room)

2. Review Video 7 and 8 Recap

3. Language - Video 
   *Structure- Phonemes, Morphemes, Grammar, Syntax and Semantics
    *Key People- Chomsky, Skinner and Whorf)
    *Development (Babbling, One-word, Two-Words)

-Schoology Quiz
-Review Guide