Thursday, December 12, 2019

Unit 6_Cognition: Thinking and Problem Solving

Thursday, December 12th 
Retrieval, Forgetting and Thinking 

1. Review Storage- Page 11 in Packet
                               - Sort
                                -Lecture Flashbulb, Stress, Repression

2. Review Retrieval
                                -Page 12
                                -Lecture on Retrieval Cues, Recall and Recognition

3. Review Forgetting
                             - Page 12
                              -Lecture on Forgetting
                              - Encoding Failure, Storage Decay, Retrieval Failure and Stress


1. Review Guide for Friday-Pink
2. SCHOOLOGY Quiz #3 and #4
3. Video 8- Decision Making 
4. There are terms from video 7 and 8 on the quiz I DID NOT REVIEW. Make sure to review these terms before the quiz.

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