Tuesday, August 20, 2019

SI_Unit One_ August 20_History in Psych/Key People

Tuesday, August 22
Binder Organization
Key People 

Image result for psychology binder cover
1.Set Up Binder
Please review page 4 in your packet. (You need to have the covercompleted).When you are finished please check in the binder with Ms for 10 Points. You will have 10 minutes to complete.
  A. Cover: Course Title, Name, Teacher's Name, Room #152 F, Period
  B. Take Tab One:

2. History Notes
1. True and False Page 7C

2. Review History of Psychology and Key Figures
    A. Monism vs. Dualism
    B. Nature vs. Nurture


1. Key Figures Sort for Homework.
You are matching the statements to the Key Figures. Do in pencil.
* It was handed out in class. If Absent go under the Schoology you will find the hand out: Unit One Resources- KEY FIGURES Document

2. Video Three: Approaches to Psychology and Reading 11-18 (Due Thursday)

3. Schoology Careers Quiz- Due Sept. 6th

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