Tuesday, August 18, 2020

August 18th_Understanding Subfields in Psychology

August 18th
Understanding Subfields in Psychology (Careers)

Various Careers 
    A. Teacher reviews basic and applied psychologist
    B. Sports Psychologist  and Forensic Psychologist 
    C. Reviewing Each Career- Key Terms
    D. Break out groups. Reviewing

Edpuzzle History and Key People
Schoology Quiz on Careers
Vocabulary Assignment (Ongoing due Friday)

Monday, August 17, 2020

S1_Day_One__Welcome to AP PSYCH

Monday, August 17th
Welcome to AP Psychology
Image result for ap psychology

Welcome to AP PSYCHOLOGY! I am excited you are taking part of the journey this year! It will be a great year! I use blogger everyday to post the agenda for the day, assignments, videos and make class updates. When you come into class, please check the blogger for the day!
 It is a great tool, so please save it to your favorites today!

1. Syllabus Review: (20 minutes)
Please make sure you have paper and pencil for class to take notes! Please take the opportunity to review the syllabus. Read over the syllabus and write down three important facts for the course.

1.     Read over the syllabus and write down three important pieces of information.
2.     Lastly, read over the weekly agenda. 

2. Who is Mrs. Gorzkowski?

3. Course Overview 
   Weekly Overview and Tasks
   Term Teams

4. Homework and Expectations for Class

 1. Survey
    What was the purpose of the survey?

AP Psychology Overview Assignment - What is AP Psychology?
Syllabus quiz
Edpuzzle: 15 minutes
Term Teams- Vocabulary Assignment